Dayi LAI-上海交通大学


Lecturer/ Dayi LAI

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Detailed introduction:


Dr. Lai received his Ph.D. degree from the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University in 2017. Dr. Lai joined the School of Design at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in September 2018 as an Assistant Professor. His research interests focus on the thermal environment, occupant thermal comfort, and occupant behavior in building and urban spaces. Dr. Lai has published 16 journal papers.


2010, Harbin Institute of Technology, Building Science, B. Eng.

2013, Tianjin University, Civil Engineering, M. Eng.

2017, Purdue University, Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D.

Awards & Prizes

[1]     2010, Excellent Graduate, Harbin Institute of Technology

[2]     2012, National Scholarship Fund, China Scholarship Council

[3]     2013, Ross Fellowship, Purdue University

Journal articles

[1]     Lai D, Qi Y, Liu J, Dai X, Zhao L, Shen W. “Ventilation behavior in residential buildings with mechanical ventilation systems across different climate zones in China”, Building and Environment, 2018 (143). 679-690.

[2]     Lai D, Jia S, Qi Y, Liu J. “Window-Opening Behavior in Chinese Residential Buildings across Different Climate Zones”, Building and Environment, 2018 (142), 234-243.

[3]     Lai D, Chen C, Liu W, Shi Y, Chen C. “An Ordered Probability Model for Predicting Outdoor Thermal Comfort”, Energy and Buildings, 2018 (168), 261-271.

[4]     Lai D, Zhou X, Chen Q. “Measurements and Predictions of the Skin Temperature of Human Subjects on Outdoor Environments”, Energy and Buildings, 2017(151), 476-486.

[5]     Lai D, Zhou X, Chen Q. “Modeling Dynamic Thermal Sensation of Human Subjects in Outdoor Environments”, Energy and Buildings, 2017(149), 16-25.

[6]     Lai D, Chen Q. “A Two-dimensional Model for Calculating Heat Transfer in the Human Body in a Transient and Non-uniform Thermal Environment”, Energy and Buildings, 2016(118), 114-122.

[7]     Lai D, Karava P, Chen Q. “Study of Outdoor Ozone Penetration into Buildings Through Ventilation and Infiltration”, Building and Environment, 2015(93), 112-118.

[8]     Lai D, Guo D, Hou Y, Lin C, Chen Q. “Studies of Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Northern China”, Building and Environment, 2014(77), 110-118.

[9]     Lai D, Zhou C, Huang J, Jiang Y, Long Z, Chen Q. “Outdoor Space Quality: A Field Study in an Urban Residential Community in Central China”, Energy and Buildings, 2014(68), 713-720.

[10]  Liu J, Dai X, Li X, Jia S, Pei J, Sun Y, Lai D, et al. “Indoor air quality and occupants' ventilation habits in China: Seasonal measurement and long-term monitoring” Building and Environment, 2018 (143), 142, 119-129.

[11]  Zhao X, Liu W, Lai D, Chen Q. Optimal Design of Indoor Environment by the CFD-based Adjoint Method with Area Constrained Topology and Cluster Analysis, Building and Environment, 2018 (138), 171-180.

[12]  Chen C, Zhao B, Lai D, Liu W. A Simple Method for Differentiating Direct and Indirect Exposure to Exhaled Contaminants in Mechanically Ventilated Rooms, Accepted by Building Simulation. DOI: 10.1007/s12273-018-0441-0.

[13]  Jia S, Lai D, Kang J, Li J, Liu J. “Evaluation of Relative Weights for Temperature, CO2, and Noise in Aircraft Cabin Environment”, Building and Environment, 2018(131), 108-116.

[14]  Zhou H, Li W, Chen Y, Lai D, Sun H, Chen Q. “A Case Study of Industrial Building Energy Performance in a Cold Climate Region in a Developing Country”, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2015, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509. 0000735.

[15]  Liu S, Liu J, Yang Q, Pei J, Lai D, Cao X, Chao J, Zhou C. “Coupled Simulation of Natural Ventilation and Daylighting for a Residential Community Design”, Energy and Buildings, 2014(68), 686-695.

[16]  Liu W, Wen J, Chao J, Yin W, Chen S, Lai D, Lin C, Liu J, Sun H, Chen Q. “Accurate and High-Resolution Boundary Conditions and Flow Fields in the First-Class Cabin of an MD-82 Commercial Airliner”, Atmospheric Environment, 2012 (56), 33-44.