Dimitar Terziev-上海交通大学

外籍教授 / Lecturer

外籍教授/ Dimitar Terziev

Dimitar Terziev副教授Email: Email: dterziev@unwe.bg









1. 2021 – 2024, The Mechanisms and The Modes of Agrarian Governance in Bulgaria (International Research Project), project panel leader

2. 2020 – 2023, Governance in Crisis. Bulgarian Alternative Farmers (National Research Project), project leader

3. 2016 – 2018, Governance of agro-ecological sustainability and food chains safety (Bilateral China and Bulgaria Research Project), project co-leader


1. Terziev, D. 2023. Meso-economics. The Case of Personal Agrarian Exchange. Economic Alternatives, vol. 29, iss. 2: 34-46

2. Terziev, D., M. Peneva and S. Tomova-Zaharieva. 2022. Personal Agrarian Exchange and Uncertainty. in Innovative Development of Agricultural Business and Rural Areas. International Conference Proceedings. Publishing Complex – UNWE: 100 – 106,

3. Terziev, D. and H. Bachev. 2021. Studying the Resilience of Farming Systems. Economic Theory Point of View. European Association of Agricultural Economists, 178 Seminar, Future challenges and resilience of farming systems in Europe


1. Terziev, D. 2023. Personal Agrarian Exchange (Bulgarian Language).  Publishing Complex – UNWE, Sofia

2. Terziev, D. 2022. Agrarian competitiveness and uncertainty. in R. Popov and P. Yovchevska (ref.) Understanding, evaluating and increasing the competitiveness of Bulgarian farms (Bulgarian Language). Publisher: Institute of Agrarian Economics, Sofia:

3. Terziev, D., D. Radeva and Y. Kazakova-Mateva. 2018. A New Look on Agricultural Sustainability and Food Safety: Economic Viability. in H. Bachev, S. Che and S. Yancheva (eds.)  Agrarian and Rural Revitalisation Issues in China and Bulgaria, KSP Books, e-Book